Japan REU

Thursday, December 09, 2004

this was another game where you play with cards you buy. pretty cool you put the whole stack in and they read what equipment you play with Posted by Hello

this one had big balls and they would guess what number would come up. very popular as you can see Posted by Hello

you can see more of those music games with those big drums on the right Posted by Hello

they have a lot of these kind of music games like this drum one where you hit the right pad when the light moves. Some of the people were just amazing at them Posted by Hello

these "grab the toy in the claws that hold nothing" games are all over the place Posted by Hello

virtual horse racing! What is the world comming to Posted by Hello

these coin pusher games are really addictive Posted by Hello

All over Tokyo there are these game parlors where people spend hours playing games. I thought this one was really cool. Its a soccer game where you get player cards and you put them in the positions where you want them to play. The cards you own are the people that play on your team. Oh by the way I have no idea who this guy is. Posted by Hello

Tokyu Hands? I don't know either Posted by Hello

oooooh toe socks fun!! Posted by Hello

I am always looking for some good leg fashion Posted by Hello

big chair Posted by Hello

Later that day we went back to Ikebukuro to wonder around and found these poor guys caught with their pants down Posted by Hello

I find that the Japanese have some of the best arcitechture Posted by Hello

Michelle and I decided to go on this roller coaster the Japanese call them jet coasters and this one had a particularly terrifying name..... "Thunder Dolphin" I know, I almost did not go. Posted by Hello

They had some really cool shops at Tokyo Dome with all these little plants everywhere Posted by Hello

Its a moon-in-ite!!! (Aquateen Hunger Force People) Posted by Hello

They say Japan is a leader in fashion but I dont really like where they are leading us! Posted by Hello

I looked into getting one of those cool spandex suits but they only come in Japanese sizes. Posted by Hello

Michelle was really excited to see these guys so I said fine why not I mean they make those really cool hand guestures. Posted by Hello

ok so it has been a long while since I put put new pictures but I have been real busy doing research. So where is a picture of a hotel by Tokyo Dome where Michelle and myself went to on one of our days off. Posted by Hello