Japan REU

Friday, September 24, 2004

yeah something I like french fries. That is "pizza" behind it but I would not call it that. I was not cover in sauce but in small fish eggs and potatoes. The thing farthest back also has one of the crazy red raw eggs. Eggs are everywhere. Posted by Hello

we decided to go out after the party to hang out with some of the students. One thing about Japan I am a little surprised about is how much they smoke and how many of them do. Posted by Hello

another thing that made the soup not so good for me was this raw egg that they put in it and no the picture is not off the color of the egg is really almost a red color!!! Posted by Hello

ok so this is some sort of soup that ends up having boiled bacon and some veggies in a miso broth. I was not to fond of this. Posted by Hello

the lab crew was more fun and more talkative out here than in the lab. I think it is because of the beer. Posted by Hello

Hey look I am actually in Japan, this is the first picture I have been in. Posted by Hello

this is Segawa-sensei, no one really wanted to sit by him but I don't think it is because he is not nice they would have to be more polite around him than with their friends Posted by Hello

we did not find out until the end but this place actually served all you cared to eat and drink for one price. We were told this in a way but we took it as if they were going to pay for all the stuff. It was not until about ten minutes left that we got the concept. I would have like to get some more food. They have some very small portions sometimes. Posted by Hello

the lab crew Posted by Hello

Ok so here are some pictures of the welcoming party that they had for us. It was quite a bit of fun but 95% of the conversations we did not understand. Posted by Hello

and here is where the refrig. and the microwave and all the cups for tea are Posted by Hello

not much room for filing cabinets Posted by Hello

Not sure what any of that stuff does Posted by Hello

and here is Michelle sitting next to all the chemicals and the furnaces. Posted by Hello

ok so here is a picture of the inside of the lab. All the people you see all work in here at the same time. I will point a few things out. Notice the electrical wires going into the circut breaker box hanging from the ceiling with wires just hanging everywhere.  Posted by Hello

the door. I know a little boring but I don't have much to do right now. Posted by Hello

Ok so I thought I would show you a tour of the lab where we work. This is the hallway outside the lab on the fourth floor of the Science building at Sophia. Not too special. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Japanese spend a lot of time on the trains and this is how most of them look while riding. I am sure that I will get to that point. We actuall had our first really packed train experience this morning. they actuall have people that push you onto the trains at the really busy spots. It is interesting to see all the people on the train move back and forth as one when the train stops and goes. You just kind of lean against the person next to you because you are not close enough to hold on to anything. I will try to get a picture but I could not reach into my bag this morning. Posted by Hello

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here are some pictures of the stamps. They all seemed to be of kids stuff. Posted by Hello

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Our first lunch at the school Posted by Hello

here is the view from my window. It has been very nice weather so far. I think I might move my desk next to the window if I end up spending a lot of time there. Posted by Hello

Michelle and Shauna also got offices, or study cubicles, but their's are bigger and they have a larger window Posted by Hello

my desk and window Posted by Hello